Full list of publications
- Samman, E., Kyungu, E., Leon-Himmelstine, C., Plank, G., Amani, E., Samuels, F., Pellini, A., Mshiu, J., Roche, J.M. (2024). ‘The co-creation and implementation of an adolescent school-based mental health intervention in Tanzania: key findings’ ODI Report, London: ODI
- Gonchigdorj, Ariunkhishig, Warren, F., Bapna, A., Sharma, N., Pellini, A. and Green, C., (2023) ‘Spotlight EdTech: Bangladesh’. Helsinki:HundrED, https://doi.org/10.58261/MISF7076
- Myers, C., Samuels, F., Kyungu, E., Mbowe,D., Dang, M., Vu, V., Le, H., Leon-Himmelstine, C., Pellini, A. (2022). ‘Let’s learn together’: co-creating mental health solutions with adolescents in Tanzania and Viet Nam. Case Study, London: Overseas Development Institute
- Samuels, F., Ho, H., Vu, V., Nguyen, P., Le, L., Dang,H.M., Plank, G., Leon-Himmelstine, C., and Pellini, A. (2021) We feel sad and bored’: Covid-19 impacts on mental health of adolescents in Viet Nam. London: Overseas Development Institute
- Leon-Himmelstine, C., Kyungu, E., Amani, E., Plank, G., Samuels, F., and Pellini, A. (2021). I am not at peace’: Covid-19 impacts on mental health of adolescents in Tanzania. London: Overseas Development Institute
- Chakraborty, R., Pellini, A. and Samuels, F. (2021). Lessons from conducting research on mental well-being of adolescents in Viet Nam and Tanzania during Covid-19. London: Overseas Development Institute
- Bapna, A., Nicolai, S., Myers, C., Pellini, A., Sharma, N., & Wilson, S. (2021). A Case for a Systems Approach to EdTech. EdTech Hub.
- Pellini, A., Nicolai,S., and Wilson, S. (2021). Introducing: A political economy framework for EdTech evidence uptake, EdTech Hub Blog. Available at: https://edtechhub.org/2021/03/09/introducing-a-political-economy-framework-for-edtech-evidence-uptake/
- Pellini, A. (2021). EdTech and Covid-19: lessons from around the world, Blog, The EdTech Hub.
- Pellini, A., Nicolai, S., Magee, A., Sharp, S., & Wilson, S. (2021). A Political Economy Analysis Framework for EdTech Evidence Uptake. The EdTech Hub.
- Jordan, K, David, R., Phillips, T., and Pellini, A. (2020). Education during the Covid-19 crisis: Opportunities and constraints of using EdTech in low-income countries, RED. Revista de Educación a Distancia, N65 Vol. 21
- Suriastini, W., Pujiastuti, S., Herawati, F., Naryanta, Moddilani, G., & Pellini, A. (2020). COVID-19 and the education response in Indonesia: Exploring the learning crisis. Case study. EdTech Hub
- Ngabonzima, E., Isimbi, R., Merci Mwali, M., & Pellini, A. (2020). Distance learning in the context of COVID-19: The case of Rwanda. Case study. EdTech Hub.
- Raluca, D., Pellini, A., Jordan, K, and Phillips, T. (2020). Education during crisis: constraints and opportunities of using ed-tech in developing countries. Brief for policy and action. Digital Pathways at Oxford and EdTech Hub
- Pellini, A. (2020). War crashes higher education systems – countries like Somalia need a system-wide reboot, ODI Insight, London: Overseas Development institute.
- Ahmed, V. et al. (2020). The Role of Evidence in Policymaking in Pakistan: Country Synthesis Report. A Political Economy Analysis of: Planning and reform for economic development; Child Labour; and Education Pathways into Employment. Oxford: OPM and Islamabad: SDPI
- Pellini A. (2020). How India responded: distance learning in the time of COVID-19, The EdTech Hub blog, www.edtechhub.org/blog/
- Raluca, D., Pellini, A., Jordan, K, and Phillips, T. (2020). Education during crisis: constraints and opportunities of using ed-tech in developing countries. Brief for policy and action. Digital Pathways at Oxford and EdTech Hub
- Pellini, A. (2020). Research in Somalia: opportunities for cooperation: Overseas Development Institute and Swedish International Development Agency
- Wilson, D. and Pellini, A. (2019). National-level policy engagement under BRACED. Lessons from Kenya, Mali and Nepal, London: BRACED programme
- Pellini, A. (2019). What have we learned from the BRACED national policy process in Nepal?, London: BRACED programme.
- Smith, K. E; Pearson, Mark; Allen, William; Barwick, Melanie; Farrell, Caitlin; Hardy, Mark; Harvey, Blane; Kothari, Anita; Neal, Zachary; Pellini, Arnaldo (2019). Building and diversifying our interdisciplinary giants: moving scholarship on evidence and policy forward, Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, Volume 15, Number 4, November 2019, pp. 455-460(6)
- Pellini, A. and Weyrauch, V. (2019). The 4IR Is Here. Do We Need to Design Development Initiatives Differently?, Helvetas Mosaic, Bern: Helvetas.
- Pellini, A., Malho, M., Weyrauch, V. Adam Carden F (2019). State Capability, Policymaking and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Do Knowledge Systems Matter?, Discussion paper, Bern: Helvetas Available at: https://bit.ly/2DbRus5
- Pellini A. and Rahwidiati, D. (2019). Measuring Impact for Development Mutants, An Ongoing Conversation, Pulse Lab Jakarta blog, 28th January. Available at: https://bit.ly/2X33nIu
- Jackson, E., Pellini, A., and Prasetiamartati, B. (2018). Improving the enabling environment for evidence-informed policymaking: an example from Indonesia, Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, October 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1332/174426418X15394255863408
- Pellini, A. (2018). What it takes for Indonesia to create, share and use knowledge to grow its economy, The Conversation Indonesia, 12th October. Available at: https://goo.gl/kyLFjp
- Pellini, A. (2018). Indonesia wants to become a knowledge economy. Here’s how it can get there, Opinion, Apolitical blog, 11th October. Available at: https://goo.gl/5vWL1a
- Pellini, A. (2018). Knowledge Systems and Policy Innovation in the 4IR, Helvetas Mosaic, Bern: Helvetas, 27th September.
- Pellini, A. (2018). Building state capability for evidence-informed policymaking in Albania: In conversation with Abi Dodbiba, ODI Insights.
- Pellini, A. (2018). Making research evidence count: insights from Finland’s Policy Analysis Unit, ODI Insights.
- Pellini, A. (2018). What it takes for Indonesia to create, share and use knowledge to grow its economy, The Conversation Indonesia, 12th October. Available at: https://goo.gl/kyLFjp
- Pellini, A. (2018). A conversation about policy experiments, Think Tank Initiative blog
- Pellini, A. (2018). Indonesia wants to become a knowledge economy. Here’s how it can get there, Opinion, Apolitical blog, 11th October. Available at: https://goo.gl/5vWL1a
- Pellini, A.; Prasetiamartati, B.; Nugroho, K. P.; Jackson, E. and Carden, F. (Eds.) (2018). Knowledge, politics and policymaking in Indonesia, Singapore: Springer.
- Pellini, A., Preamusinto, A., Fatonie, I. (2018). Brokering Knowledge and Policy Analysis within the Indonesian Public Sector, in Pellini, A.; Prasetiamartati, B.; Nugroho, K. P.; Jackson, E. and Carden, Knowledge, Politics and Policymaking in Indonesia, Singapore: Springer.
- Pellini, A., Rahwidiati, D., Hodge, G. (2018). Data Innovation for Policymaking in Indonesia, in Pellini, A.; Prasetiamartati, B.; Nugroho, K. P.; Jackson, E. and Carden, F. (Eds.), Knowledge, Politics and Policymaking in Indonesia, Singapore: Springer.
- Pellini, A., Karetji, P., Soekadi, A. (2018). Doing Development Differently at Scale, in Pellini, A.; Prasetiamartati, B.; Nugroho, K. P.; Jackson, E. and Carden, F. (Eds.), Knowledge, Politics and Policymaking in Indonesia, Singapore: Springer.
- Djafar, T. N., Suriastini, N. W., and Pellini, A. (2017). Estimating the return on investment of policy research and engagement, Editorial, Think Tank Initiative
- Pellini A., Nurhayati, T., and Ni Wayan Suriastini (2017). The Contribution of Research in Promoting Balikpapan’s Age-friendly City Policy, Infographic, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Emont, J. and Pellini, A. (2017). Investing in Knowledge: The Establishment of the Indonesian Science Fund, Working Paper 24, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Jackson, E., Prasetiamartati, B., Sadikin, M. C., Sugiyanto, and Pellini, P. (2017). Commissioning Knowledge for Policy Reforms in the Procurement of Research in Indonesia, Working Paper 23, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Pellini, A. and Shaxson, L. (2017). Doing Development Differently means Doing Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Differently too, blog, BetterEvaluation.org, available at https://goo.gl/4ocNgy
- Arnaldo Pellini and Iskhak Fatonie (2017). Local leadership and evidence in policymaking: Insights from Indonesia, blog, Research to Action, available at https://goo.gl/C0jA0x
- Rakhmani, I., Pellini, A. and Nurhidayat, Y. (2017). Linking Values and Research Evidence for Policy Advocacy: The Journey of the Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency, Working Paper 19, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Pellini, A., Tanty Nurhayati Djafar, and Ni Wayan Suriastini (2017). Is Measuring Policy Influence Like Measuring Thin Air? The Experience of SurveyMETER in Producing Three Episode Studies of Research-based Policy Influence, Working Paper 18, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Pellini, A and Carden F. (2017). Learning about Learning in an Adaptive Programme, BetterEvaluation.org blog, http://www.betterevaluation.org/en/blog/adaptive-management-ksi-fred-carden-and-arnaldo-pellini
- Pellini. A. and Tilley, H. (2016). Academic Publications Performance, infographic, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Pellini, A. (2016). Indonesia’s PISA results show need to use education resources more efficiently, The Conversation, Available at https://theconversation.com/indonesias-pisa-results-show-need-to-use-education-resources-more-efficiently-68176
- Pellini, A., Tilley, H., Carden, F. (2016). Indonesia’s knowledge sector is catching up, but a large gap persists, The Conversation, 17th November, https://theconversation.com/indonesias-knowledge-sector-is-catching-up-but-a-large-gap-persists-67937
- Pellini, A. (2016). The ‘demand’ side of evidence-based policy making: why and how. Two great days of discussion and sharing in London, in Evidence in Action The Results for All Blog, 11th October, https://results4allorgblog.wordpress.com/2016/10/11/the-demand-side-of-evidence-based-policy-making-why-and-how-two-great-days-of-discussion-and-sharing-in-london/
- Pellini, A. and Thornley, A. (2016), What does data innovation mean for traditional social science research?, Pulse Lab Jakarta blog, https://medium.com/@PLJ/what-does-data-innovation-mean-for-traditional-social-science-research-a83c5953643c#.c225j9mo0
- Ni Wayan Suriastini, Arnaldo Pellini, Bondan Sikoki, Jejen Fauzan, Tri Rahayu (2016). Building Partnerships for Designing Policy: Episode Study of Jakarta Declaration on Dementia- and Age-Friendly City, Working Paper, Yogyakarta: SurveyMETER
- Ni Wayan Suriastini, Arnaldo Pellini,Bondan Sikoki, Jejen Fauzan, Setyo Pujiastuti, Sukamtiningsih (2016). Data that Inspires Policy: Episode Study of City of Balikpapan’s Experience Towards Age-Friendly City 2030, Working Paper, Yogyakarta: SurveyMETER
- Ni Wayan Suriastini, Arnaldo Pellini, Bondan Sikoki, Jejen Fauzan, Dian Hestina Dwiyanti, Sri Lestari (2016). Information Strengthens Policy: Episode Study of the Commitment of Denpasar City in Integrating Policies of Child-Friendly City, Age-Friendly City, and Green Open Spaces of Healthy City, Working Paper, Yogyakarta: SurveyMETER.
- Iskhak Fatonie, Arnaldo Pellini, Hester Smidt and Indri Apriliyanti (2016). Using Citizen Evidence to Improve Public Services: Lessons from the UPIK Program in Yogyakarta, Working Paper 11, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Arnaldo Pellini, Farini Pane, Kharisma Nugroho, and Vira Riyandari (2016). Inside the ‘Black Box’ of Policy Making: When Policy Researchers Enter the Bureaucracy, Knowledge Sector Initiative blog.
- Pellini, A. (2016). Are We Policy Analysts?. Evidence, Policy Analysis and the Knowledge Sector in Indonesia. An interview with Professor Mark Considine, Dean of the School of Government at the University of Melbourne, Knowledge Sector Initiative Interview Series.
- Pellini, A. and Nixon, N. (2016). Are partnership agreements a way forward for Doing Development Differently?, blog post on Doing Development Differently. The DDD Manifesto Community. Blog reposted by the Think Tank Initiative.
- Pellini, A. (2015). The elusive search for a knowledge to policy framework, Reserach2Action, November
- Pellini, A. (2015). Data innovation as a new source of evidence for policy making: an interview with Miriam Lips on the experience of the New Zealand Data Futures Forum, KSI blog, November
- Pellini, A. (2015). Do Think Tanks Underinvest in Management? A Conversation with Raymond Struyk
- Pellini, A. (2015). A new era for development – the future or already reality?, Guest Blog published on the DDD Manifesto Community blog.
- Pellini, A. (2015). A new era for development – the future or already reality?, Guest Blog published on the Building State Capability blog at Harvard University.
- Pellini, A. and Petersen, Z. (2015). Searching for Indonesia’s Amartya Sen, Opinion, The Jakarta Post 13th August 2015
- Pellini, A. and Petersen, Z. (2015). Searching for Indonesia’s Amartya Sen, Commentary, The Jakarta Globe 31st July 2015
- Pellini, A. and Bredenberg, K. (2015). Basic education clusters in Cambodia: looking at the future while learning from the past, Development in Practice, Volume 25, Number 3, April 2015, pp. 419-432 (14).
- Pellini, A. (2015). Doing Development Differently, 30 years ago
- Mackenzie, J., Pellini, A., and Sutiyo, W. (2015). Establishing Government Think Tanks: An Overview of Comparative Models, Working Paper 4, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Pellini, A., Angelina, M., and Purnawati, E. (2014). Improving health services through knowledge sharing and communication. A Story of Change from the Regency of Lombok Barat, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Pellini, A., Angelina, M., and Purnawati, E. (2014). Working politically. A Story of Change about the contribution of research evidence to the new Village Law in Indonesia, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Pellini, A. (2014). Will elections in Indonesia mean power for the provinces?, ODI Opinion
- Pellini, A. (2014). Big data, big decisions: the Indonesian way, ODI Opinion
- Pellini, A. (2013). The limits of evidence, Opinion published @ www.thebrokeronline.eu
- Pellini, A. (2013). Political economy in practice: thoughts on managing and conducting a political economy study on disaster-risk management in Indonesia, Opinion published @ www.researchtoaction.org
- Pellini, A. (2013). Monitoring policy influence like measuring smoke?, Opinion published @ www.betterevaluation.org
- Pellini, A., Jones, H, and Datta, A. (2013). Power and evidence in Southeast Asia, Opinion published @ www.eastasiaforum.org.
- Pellini, A., Contreras, A., Jabar, J., de Guzman M.T., Era, M., Erasga, D. and Javier Jr. R. (2013). Towards Policy-Relevant Science and Scientifically Informed Policy. Political economy of the use of knowledge and research evidence in urban resilience interventions in the Philippines. Final Report: ODI, Social Development Research Center, De La Salle University Manila, FDR Manila.
- Pellini, A. (2013) What does the difference between driving a bus in Stockholm and Delhi have to do with evidence-based policymaking?, Opinion published @ www.localfirst.org.uk
- Pellini, A. (2013). Indonesia is growing fast, so is the demand for social welfare: but is evidence keeping pace? Opinion published @ www.researchtoaction.org
- ODI (2012). Thailand Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review. Final Report, Bangkok: UNDP and London: ODI.
- ODI (2012). Cambodia Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review. Final Report, Bangkok: UNDP and London: ODI.
- Pellini, A., Anderson, J. H., Tran Thi Lan Huong, Irvine, R. (2012). Assessing the policy influence of research: A case study of governance research in Viet Nam, ODI Background Note, London: Overseas Development Institute. Link: http://bit.ly/LNLHE0
- Pellini, A., Vu Phuong Thao, and Nguyen Le Hoang. (2012). Assessment of the delivery of the Vietnam Development Report 2010 – Modern Institutions and its impact on policy debates around institutional reforms in Vietnam, Washington D.C.: World Bank and London: Overseas Development Institute. Link: http://bit.ly/LNOJZ1
- Datta, A., Shaxson, L., Pellini, A. (2012). Capacity, complexity and consulting: lessons from managing capacity development projects, Working Paper 344, London: Overseas Development Institute
- Pellini, A. (ed.) (2012). Engaging for the Environment: The Contribution of Social Capital to Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Cambodia. Phnom Penh, Cambodia: The Learning Institute.
- Neth Baromey, Rith Sam Ol and Pellini, A. (2012). ‘Social capital definitions, characteristics and the relevance for CBNRM in Cambodia’, in A. Pellini (ed.). Engaging for the Environment: The Contribution of Social Capital to Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Cambodia. Phnom Penh, Cambodia: The Learning Institute, pp.14-39.
- Pellini, A., Alicias, M. D., Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, and Bachtiar, P. P. (2012). Technically sound and politically achievable? A taxonomy of knowledge types and their influence on governance in three South-East Asian countries, ODI Background Notes
- Pellini, A. (2011). The RAPID Outcome Mapping Approach and project management for policy change, re-published by PrjectSmart.co.uk: http://bit.ly/va2lAi
- Pellini, A. and Ayres, D. (2011). Giving people choice. The role of traditional religious associations in providing credit to the rural population in Cambodia, in Hossain, Farhad & Rees, Christopher J. & Knight-Miller, Tonya (Eds.): Microcredit and International Development: Contexts, Achievements and Challenges, Abingdon: Routledge.
- Pellini, A. (2011). The RAPID Outcome Mapping Approach and project management for policy change, ODI Opinions 153, London: ODI.
- Pellini, A. (2011). ‘Kanban: two simple rules to manage knowledge work’, in Evidence-based Policy in Development Network (ebpdn) Newsletter, N.2, August.
- Pellini, A. (2011). ‘Policy frustration: Evidence in action in the Philippines’, in Evidence-based Policy in Development Network (ebpdn) Newsletter, N.2, August.
- Pellini, A. and Jones, H. (2011). Knowledge taxonomies. A literature review, ODI and ADB.
- Pellini, A. and Jones, H. (2011). A Study of ADB’s Knowledge Taxonomy, Manila: ADB.
- Pellini, A., Bachtiar, P. P., Alician, M .D., and Nguyen Thi Thu Hang (2011). Governance Reforms in three South East Asian countries: the Role of Research-based Evidence in Promoting Innovations, in A.-V. Anttiroiko, Stephen J. Bailey and P. Valkama (Eds.) Innovation in Public Governance in Asia. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
- Serrat, O. and Pellini, A. (2010). ‘Enriching Policy with Research’, in Knowledge Solutions N. 85, Manila: Asia Development Bank.
- Pellini, A. and Young, J. (2009). ‘Taking research into account’, in Development and Cooperation, No. 12 Volume 50, December, pp. 460-462, Bonn: InWent.
- Jones, N. and Pellini, A. (2009). Evidence-informed policy in post-conflict contexts: Nepal, Peru and Serbia, Report – Oslo Governance Centre Discussion Papers 17, September, Oslo: UNDP.
- Jones, N., Pellini, A, Datta, A. (2009). Think tanks in post-conflict contexts: Towards evidence-informed governance reform, Oslo Governance Centre Discussion Papers 16, September, Oslo: UNDP
- Pellini, A. and Borup, E. (2009). ‘Transition Management – the key towards achieving results’ in Projects & Profits July issue, Hyderabad: Icfai University Press
- Pellini, A. (2009). ‘Traditional pagoda associations in Cambodia: sustainable collective action to reduce poverty’ in Just Change, Issue 15 June – September, Wellington New Zealand: Dev-Zone.
- Pellini, A. (2008). The Complexity of Decentralisation, Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. (Germany).
- Pellini A. (2008). “Participatory local governance in Cambodia”, The Broker. Connecting Worlds of Knowledge, Issue 9, July
- Pellini A. (2007). Decentralisation Policy in Cambodia Exploring Community Participation in the Education Sector, Acta Universitatis Tamperensis 1235, Tampere: Tampere University Press.
- Pellini, A. and Ayres, D. (2007). “Community Participation in Local Governance in Cambodia: Learning from the Village Networks Approach”, Development in Practice, Vol. 17, N. 3, June.
- Pellini, A. (2007). “Decentralization and Community Participation: School Clusters in Cambodia”, in Holger Daun (Ed.) Globalized Governance and Grassroots Participation in School Decentralization, Springer/Kluwer, The Netherlands.
- Pellini, A. (2006). “Community Support to Schools: Exploring the Characteristics of Traditional Forms of Social Capital in Cambodia”, Perspectives in Education, Vol. 22, N. 3, July, pp. 155-163.
- Ayres, D., Pellini, A. and Perez-Leroux, A. (2006). “Promoting Participatory Local Governance through Village Networks in Kampong Thom and Kampot: a Case Study”, in Sourcebook on Asian Civil Society Organisations Best Practices in Enhancing the Sustainability of Rural Poor Organizations, Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Agricultural Development, Manila.
- Pellini, A. and Ayres, D. M. (2005). Social Capital and Village Governance: Experiences with Village Networks. A Discussion Paper, Phnom Penh: GTZ
- Pellini, A. (2005). “Households’ Support to Cambodian School and the Reform of Education: Searching for the Balance Between Free Education for All and Community Participation”, a Book Review of Mark Bray & Seng Bunly, Balancing the Books. Household Financing of Basic Education in Cambodia. Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong; in Perspectives in Education, Vol. 21, N. 4, October 2005, pp. 247-249.
- Pellini, A. (2005) ‘Traditional Forms of Social Capital in Cambodia and the Linkage with Local Development Processes’, Cambodia Development Review, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 8-11.
- Pellini, A. (2005). “Decentralisation of Education in Cambodia: Searching for Spaces of Participation between Traditions and Modernity,” Compare, Vol. 35, No. 2, May, pp. 205-216.
- Pellini, A. (2004). “Traditional Pagoda Associations and the Emergence of Civil Society in Cambodia”
Peer-reviewed scientific articles
- Pellini, A., Preamusinto, A., Fatonie, I. (forthcoming 2018). Brokering Knowledge and Policy Analysis within the Indonesian Public Sector, in
- Pellini, A.; Prasetiamartati, B.; Nugroho, K. P.; Jackson, E. and Carden, Knowledge, Politics and Policymaking in Indonesia, Singapore: Springer.
- Rahwidiati, D., Pellini, A., Hodge, G. (forthcoming 2018). Data Innovation for Policymaking in Indonesia, in Pellini, A.; Prasetiamartati, B.; Nugroho, K. P.; Jackson, E. and Carden, F. (Eds.), Knowledge, Politics and Policymaking in Indonesia, Singapore: Springer.
- Karetji, P., Pellini, A., Soekadi, A. (forthcoming 2018). Doing Development Differently at Scale, in Pellini, A.; Prasetiamartati, B.; Nugroho, K. P.; Jackson, E. and Carden, F. (Eds.), Knowledge, Politics and Policymaking in Indonesia, Singapore: Springer.
- Pellini, A. and Bredenberg, K. (2015). Basic education clusters in Cambodia: looking at the future while learning from the past, Development in Practice, Volume 25, Number 3, April 2015, pp. 419-432 (14).
- Pellini, A. and Ayres, D. (2011). Giving people choice. The role of traditional religious associations in providing credit to the rural population in Cambodia, in Hossain, Farhad & Rees, Christopher J. & Knight-Miller, Tonya (Eds.): Microcredit and International Development: Contexts, Achievements and Challenges, Abingdon: Routledge.
- Pellini, A., Bachtiar, P. P., Alician, M .D., and Nguyen Thi Thu Hang (2011). Governance Reforms in three South East Asian countries: the Role of Research-based Evidence in Promoting Innovations, in A.-V. Anttiroiko, Stephen J. Bailey and P. Valkama (Eds.) Innovation in Public Governance in Asia. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
- Pellini, A. and Ayres, D. (2007). “Community Participation in Local Governance in Cambodia: Learning from the Village Networks Approach”, Development in Practice, Vol. 17, N. 3, June.
- Pellini, A. (2007). “Decentralization and Community Participation: School Clusters in Cambodia”, in Holger Daun (Ed.) Globalized Governance and Grassroots Participation in School Decentralization, Springer/Kluwer, The Netherlands.
- Pellini, A. (2006). “Community Support to Schools: Exploring the Characteristics of Traditional Forms of Social Capital in Cambodia”, Perspectives in Education, Vol. 22, N. 3, July, pp. 155-163.
- Pellini, A. (2005). “Households’ Support to Cambodian School and the Reform of Education: Searching for the Balance Between Free Education for All and Community Participation”, a Book Review of Mark Bray & Seng Bunly, Balancing the Books. Household Financing of Basic Education in Cambodia. Hong Kong: Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong; in Perspectives in Education, Vol. 21, N. 4, October 2005, pp. 247-249.
- Pellini, A. (2005) ‘Traditional Forms of Social Capital in Cambodia and the Linkage with Local Development Processes’, Cambodia Development Review, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 8-11.
- Pellini, A. (2005). “Decentralisation of Education in Cambodia: Searching for Spaces of Participation between Traditions and Modernity,” Compare, Vol. 35, No. 2, May, pp. 205-216.
- Pellini, A. (2004). “Traditional Pagoda Associations and the Emergence of Civil Society in Cambodia”, Cambodian Development Review, Vol. 8, Issue 3, July – September, pp. 5-8.
Non-refereed scientific articles
- Neth Baromey, Rith Sam Ol and Pellini, A. (2012). ‘Social capital definitions, characteristics and the relevance for CBNRM in Cambodia’, in A. Pellini (Ed.). Engaging for the Environment: The Contribution of Social Capital to Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Cambodia. Phnom Penh, Cambodia: The Learning Institute, pp.14-39.
Scientific books (monographs)
- Pellini, A.; Prasetiamartati, B.; Nugroho, K. P.; Jackson, E. and Carden, F. (Eds.) (2018 forthcoming). Knowledge, Politics and Policymaking in Indonesia, Singapore: Springer.
- Pellini, A. (ed.) (2012). Engaging for the Environment: The Contribution of Social Capital to Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Cambodia. Phnom Penh, Cambodia: The Learning Institute.
Publications intended for professional communities
- Djafar, T. N., Suriastini, N. W., and Pellini, A. (2017). Estimating the return on investment of policy research and engagement, Editorial, Think Tank Initiative Blog. Available at: http://www.thinktankinitiative.org/blog/estimating-return-investment-policy-research-and-engagement-0.
- Pellini A., Nurhayati, T., and Ni Wayan Suriastini (2017). The Contribution of Research in Promoting Balikpapan’s Age-friendly City Policy, Infographic, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Emont, J. and Pellini, A. (2017). Investing in Knowledge: The Establishment of the Indonesian Science Fund, Working Paper 24, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Jackson, E., Prasetiamartati, B., Sadikin, M. C., Sugiyanto, and Pellini, P. (2017). Commissioning Knowledge for Policy Reforms in the Procurement of Research in Indonesia, Working Paper 23, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Rakhmani, I., Pellini, A. and Nurhidayat, Y. (2017). Linking Values and Research Evidence for Policy Advocacy: The Journey of the Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency, Working Paper 19, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Pellini, A., Tanty Nurhayati Djafar, and Ni Wayan Suriastini (2017). Is Measuring Policy Influence Like Measuring Thin Air? The Experience of SurveyMETER in Producing Three Episode Studies of Research-based Policy Influence, Working Paper 18, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Pellini. A. and Tilley, H. (2016). Academic Publications Performance, infographic, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Ni Wayan Suriastini, Arnaldo Pellini, Bondan Sikoki, Jejen Fauzan, Tri Rahayu (2016). Building Partnerships for Designing Policy: Episode Study of Jakarta Declaration on Dementia- and Age-Friendly City, Working Paper, Yogyakarta: SurveyMETER
- Ni Wayan Suriastini, Arnaldo Pellini,Bondan Sikoki, Jejen Fauzan, Setyo Pujiastuti, Sukamtiningsih (2016). Data that Inspires Policy: Episode Study of City of Balikpapan’s Experience Towards Age-Friendly City 2030, Working Paper, Yogyakarta: SurveyMETER
- Ni Wayan Suriastini, Arnaldo Pellini, Bondan Sikoki, Jejen Fauzan, Dian Hestina Dwiyanti, Sri Lestari (2016). Information Strengthens Policy: Episode Study of the Commitment of Denpasar City in Integrating Policies of Child-Friendly City, Age-Friendly City, and Green Open Spaces of Healthy City, Working Paper, Yogyakarta: SurveyMETER.
- Fatonie, I., Pellini, A., Smidt, H., and Apriliyanti, I. (2016). Using Citizen Evidence to Improve Public Services: Lessons from the UPIK Program in Yogyakarta, Working Paper 11, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Mackenzie, J., Pellini, A., and Sutiyo, W. (2015). Establishing Government Think Tanks: An Overview of Comparative Models, Working Paper 4, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Pellini, A., Angelina, M., and Purnawati, E. (2014). Improving health services through knowledge sharing and communication. A Story of Change from the Regency of Lombok Barat, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Pellini, A., Angelina, M., and Purnawati, E. (2014). Working politically. A Story of Change about the contribution of research evidence to the new Village Law in Indonesia, Jakarta: Knowledge Sector Initiative.
- Pellini, A., Contreras, A., Jabar, J., de Guzman M.T., Era, M., Erasga, D. and Javier Jr. R. (2013). Towards Policy-Relevant Science and Scientifically Informed Policy. Political economy of the use of knowledge and research evidence in urban resilience interventions in the Philippines. Final Report, London: Oversea Development Institute and Manila: Social Development Research Center, De La Salle University.
- ODI (2012). Thailand Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review. Final Report, Bangkok: United Nations Development Programme and London: Overseas Development Institute.
- Pellini, A., Anderson, J. H., Tran Thi Lan Huong, Irvine, R. (2012). Assessing the policy influence of research: A case study of governance research in Viet Nam, Background Note, London: Overseas Development Institute.
- Pellini, A., Vu Phuong Thao, and Nguyen Le Hoang. (2012). Assessment of the delivery of the Vietnam Development Report 2010 – Modern Institutions and its impact on policy debates around institutional reforms in Vietnam, Washington D.C.: World Bank and London: Overseas Development Institute.
- Datta, A., Shaxson, L., Pellini, A. (2012). Capacity, complexity and consulting: lessons from managing capacity development projects, Working Paper 344, London: Overseas Development Institute
- Pellini, A., Alicias, M. D., Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, and Bachtiar, P. P. (2012). Technically sound and politically achievable? A taxonomy of knowledge types and their influence on governance in three South-East Asian countries, Background Notes, London: Overseas Development Institute.
- Pellini, A. and Jones, H. (2011). Knowledge taxonomies. A literature review, London: Overseas Development Institute and Manila: Asia Development Bank.
- Pellini, A. and Jones, H. (2011). A Study of ADB’s Knowledge Taxonomy, Manila: Asia Development Bank.
- Jones, N. and Pellini, A. (2009). Evidence-informed policy in post-conflict contexts: Nepal, Peru and Serbia, Report – Oslo Governance Centre Discussion Papers 17, September, Oslo: United Nations Development Programme.
- Jones, N., Pellini, A, Datta, A. (2009). Think tanks in post-conflict contexts: Towards evidence-informed governance reform, Oslo Governance Centre Discussion Papers 16, Oslo: United Nations Development Programme.
- Ayres, D., Pellini, A. and Perez-Leroux, A. (2006). ‘Promoting Participatory Local Governance through Village Networks in Kampong Thom and Kampot: a Case Study’, in Sourcebook on Asian Civil Society Organisations Best Practices in Enhancing the Sustainability of Rural Poor Organizations, Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Agricultural Development, Manila.
- Pellini, A. and Ayres, D. M. (2005). Social Capital and Village Governance: Experiences with Village Networks, Discussion Paper, Phnom Penh: German Development Agency (GTZ).
Publications intended for the general public
- Pellini, A. and Shaxson, L. (2017). Doing Development Differently means Doing Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Differently too, Better Evaluation blog. Available at http://www.betterevaluation.org/en/blog/Doing-development-differently-means-doing-MEL-differently-too
- Pellini, A. and Fatonie, I. (2017). Local leadership and evidence in policymaking: Insights from Indonesia, blog, Research 2 Action blog. Available at http://www.researchtoaction.org/2017/04/local-leadership-evidence-policymaking-insights-indonesia/
- Pellini, A and Carden F. (2017). Learning about Learning in an Adaptive Programme, Better Evaluation blog. Available at http://www.betterevaluation.org/en/blog/adaptive-management-ksi-fred-carden-and-arnaldo-pellini
- Pellini, A. (2016). Indonesia’s PISA results show need to use education resources more efficiently, The Conversation. Available at https://theconversation.com/indonesias-pisa-results-show-need-to-use-education-resources-more-efficiently-68176
- Pellini, A., Tilley, H., Carden, F. (2016). Indonesia’s knowledge sector is catching up, but a large gap persists, The Conversation, 17th November. Available at https://theconversation.com/indonesias-knowledge-sector-is-catching-up-but-a-large-gap-persists-67937
- Pellini, A. (2016). The ‘demand’ side of evidence-based policy making: why and how. Two great days of discussion and sharing in London, The Results for All Blog, Available at https://results4allorgblog.wordpress.com/2016/10/11/the-demand-side-of-evidence-based-policy-making-why-and-how-two-great-days-of-discussion-and-sharing-in-london/
- Pellini, A. and Thornley, A. (2016), What does data innovation mean for traditional social science research?, Pulse Lab Jakarta blog, https://medium.com/@PLJ/what-does-data-innovation-mean-for-traditional-social-science-research-a83c5953643c#.c225j9mo0
- Pellini, A. and Nixon, N. (2016). Are partnership agreements a way forward for Doing Development Differently?, Doing Development Differently blog. Available at http://doingdevelopmentdifferently.com/are-partnership-agreements-a-way-forward-for-doing-development-differently/
- Pellini, A. (2015). The elusive search for a knowledge to policy framework, Research 2 Action blog. Available at http://www.researchtoaction.org/2015/11/the-elusive-search-for-a-knowledge-to-policy-framework/
- Pellini, A. (2015). A new era for development – the future or already reality?, Harvard University, Building State Capability blog. Available at https://buildingstatecapability.com/2015/08/27/a-new-era-for-development-the-future-or-already-reality/
- Pellini, A. and Petersen, Z. (2015). Searching for Indonesia’s Amartya Sen, Opinion, The Jakarta Post 13th August. Available at http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/08/13/searching-indonesia-s-amartya-sen.html#sthash.lsT83bBm.uxfs
- Pellini, A. and Petersen, Z. (2015). Searching for Indonesia’s Amartya Sen, Commentary, The Jakarta Globe, 31st July 2015. Available at http://jakartaglobe.id/opinion/commentary-searching-indonesias-amartya-sen/
- Pellini, A. (2015). Doing Development Differently, 30 years ago, Opinion. Doing Development Differently blog. Available at http://doingdevelopmentdifferently.com/doing-development-differently-30-years-ago/
- Pellini, A. (2014). Will elections in Indonesia mean power for the provinces?, Overseas Development Institute Opinion. Available at https://www.odi.org/comment/8562-will-elections-indonesia-mean-power-provinces
- Pellini, A. (2014). Big data, big decisions: the Indonesian way, Overseas Development Institute Opinion. Available at https://www.odi.org/comment/8938-big-data-big-decisions-indonesian-way
- Pellini, A. (2013). The limits of evidence, Opinion, The Broker Online. Available at http://www.thebrokeronline.eu/Blogs/Human-Security-blog/The-limits-of-evidence
- Pellini, A. (2013). Political economy in practice: thoughts on managing and conducting a political economy study on disaster-risk management in Indonesia, Opinion, Research 2 Action blog. Available at http://www.researchtoaction.org/2013/08/political-economy-in-practice-thoughts-on-managing-and-conducting-a-political-economy-study-on-disaster-risk-management-in-indonesia/
- Pellini, A. (2013). Monitoring policy influence like measuring smoke?, Opinion, Better Evaluation blog. Available at http://www.betterevaluation.org/en/blog/m-and-e-policy-influence.
- Pellini, A., Jones, H, and Datta, A. (2013). Power and evidence in Southeast Asia, Opinion, East Asia Forum blog. Available at http://www.eastasiaforum.org/2013/07/12/power-and-evidence-in-south-east-asia
- Pellini, A. (2013) What does the difference between driving a bus in Stockholm and Delhi have to do with evidence-based policymaking?, Opinion, Peace Direct. Available at https://www.peaceinsight.org/fr/blog/2013/04/evidence-based-policymaking/?en=1
- Pellini, A. (2013). Indonesia is growing fast, so is the demand for social welfare: but is evidence keeping pace? Opinion, Research 2 Action blog. Available at http://www.researchtoaction.org/2013/02/indonesia-is-growing-fast-so-is-the-demand-for-social-welfare-but-is-evidence-keeping-pace/
- Pellini, A. (2011). The RAPID Outcome Mapping Approach and project management for policy change, re-published by PrjectSmart.co.uk.
- Pellini, A. (2011). The RAPID Outcome Mapping Approach and project management for policy change, Overseas Development Institute Opinion 153. Available at https://www.odi.org/comment/5850-rapid-outcome-mapping-approach-and-project-management-policy-change
- Serrat, O. and Pellini, A. (2010). ‘Enriching Policy with Research’, in Knowledge Solutions N. 85, Manila: Asia Development Bank. Available at https://www.adb.org/publications/enriching-policy-research
- Pellini, A. and Young, J. (2009). ‘Taking research into account’, in Development and Cooperation, No. 12 Volume 50, December, pp. 460-462, Bonn.
- Pellini, A. (2009). ‘Traditional pagoda associations in Cambodia: sustainable collective action to reduce poverty’ in Just Change, Issue 15 June – September, Wellington New Zealand: Dev-Zone.
- Pellini A. (2008). ‘Participatory local governance in Cambodia’, The Broker. Connecting Worlds of Knowledge, Issue 9, July. Available at: http://www.thebrokeronline.eu/Articles/Debating-complexity/Participatory-local-governance-in-Cambodia
- Pellini A. (2007). Decentralisation Policy in Cambodia Exploring Community Participation in the Education Sector, Acta Universitatis Tamperensis 1235, Tampere: Tampere University Press.