ROMA, the RAPID Outcome Mapping Approach, has been providing for several years ideas and suggestions to policy researchers for structuring a policy influence process which is based on the production, communication and uptake of research evidence. ROMA does not describe (or prescribe) an A to Z series of steps that will guarantee the policy influence of a policy research project. There are no guarantees with policy influence. Policy making is complex; policy making is not linear; and policy making is always political. ROMA is useful in that it helps to keep asking questions on how to go about influencing a policy (or policies) with and through research evidence.
Personally, ROMA helps me to structure my thinking processes, identify and design tasks, make choices, and learn, without becoming mechanistic. Recently I have been using ROMA here in Indonesia not for a policy influence project but to identify opportunities and develop ideas for working on demand and use of evidence processes and systems with government organisations.
ROMA has been revised and updated by my colleagues at the RAPID programme in 2014: ROMA: A guide to policy engagement and influence. It has now been translated in Bahasa Indonesia to make it more accessible to policy research institutes, university centers, advocacy networks, NGOs, policy makers, etc. throughout Indonesia.
You can download it here: ROMA: Pedoman untuk Pelibatan dan Mempengaruhi Kebijakan