I found a couple of interesting articles about Indonesia on innovation, higher education and in a sense the future of the use of knowledge and research evidence in policy decision making.
Jonathan Pincus, writes about foreign universities establishing branches in Asia. The conditions are favorable: rising incomes, favorable demography, growing college enrollments for years to come. Singapore, is a pioneer in the internationalization of higher education. It hosts 13 branch campuses and has numerous international partnerships. China now hosts more than 30 branch campuses from the U.S., the U.K., Germany, Japan and Australia, among others. Malaysia has invested heavily in its own universities and also opened its doors to foreign institutions, including several British and Australian branch campuses. Indonesia lags behind and Jonathan Pincus explains why. The way forward? \’Education Cities\’ as policy experiment needed to generate evidence for opening up higher education in Indonesia?
Policy experiments and innovation in service delivery is happening in Indonesia and they are also driven by government agencies as they generate evidence that is used to promote new policies. Read the blog on the Problem Driven Iterative Adaption in Indonesia applied to the new frontline service delivery policy and watch the presentation by Anna Winoto at the Doing Development Differently: Philippines workshop that took place in Manila last week.