Communicate knowledge and evidence to your audience: a nice ‘how to’ toolkit is now online

Great resource on various aspects of communication for sharing knowledge as well as informing policy making published by the Mental Health Innovation Network (MHIN).\"logo\"

The toolkit, Global Mental Health Communications Toolkit, starts with a description of the guiding principles of packaging key messages so that they can be tailored to different audiences. Remember: Know your stakeholders and get your messages to stick!

The toolkits then describes in a clear and synthetic wasy six tools that can help in the process of:

  1. Develop a communications work plan
  2. Have a good communication product checklist at hand
  3. How to write an impact summary
  4. How to write a blog
  5. How to create an infographic
  6. How to write a policy brief

The tools have clear instructions and suggestions .pdfs that can be downloaded as well as template that can be used to develop similar knowledge products.

Well done!

This toolkit aims to help global mental health researchers communicate their findings to their stakeholders. The principles in this toolkit can be applied to all stakeholders, including policy‐makers, and to key messages about your project’s implementation and policy influence activities. The toolkit is a pulling together of the experience working in development communications across the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

This toolkit will help you to know:

How to package your key messages to make them remembered and acted upon by your stakeholders.
How to plan your communications methods and activities to achieve your project and policy objectives.
How to produce perfect communications products, including impact statements, blogs, infographics and policy briefs, to communicate your key messages to your stakeholders.

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