knowledge to policy

Discussion Paper: State Capability, Policymaking and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Do Knowledge Systems Matter?

I have written a blog with Vanesa Weyrauch about the paper and the main questions we pose in it which was published on Helvetas’ Mosaic: The 4IR Is Here. Do We Need to Design Development Initiatives Differently?

Discussion Paper: State Capability, Policymaking and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Do Knowledge Systems Matter? Read More »

The evidence on Climate Change is overwhelming, but ….

UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has published its latest report. The authors of the landmark report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said urgent and unprecedented changes are needed to reach the target, which is affordable and feasible although it lies at the most ambitious end of the Paris agreement pledge to keep temperatures

The evidence on Climate Change is overwhelming, but …. Read More »

Can there be too much data to inform policy and what skills are needed for the policymaking of tomorrow

One of the things I enjoy doing during the summer in Finland is to work in the garden, in the late afternoon, and listen to a LSE public lecture podcast. Last week I listened to two really interesting ones. In the first podcast, Tracking the Rise in Global Economic Inequality: new evidence from the world inequality report

Can there be too much data to inform policy and what skills are needed for the policymaking of tomorrow Read More »

Knowledge, policy, and adaptive development in Indonesia. A discussion at UNICEF’s Office of Research-Innocenti

I was recently in Florence to meet the team at the UNICEF’s Office of Research-Innocenti and present & discuss some of the experiences of the Knowledge Sector Initiative in Indonesia. I was part of the implementing team during phase 1 from 2013-2017 leading the research and learning work of the programme. The Knowledge Sector Initiative is

Knowledge, policy, and adaptive development in Indonesia. A discussion at UNICEF’s Office of Research-Innocenti Read More »

Looking at evidence-informed policymaking through the \’dissonance\’ lens

Last week I attended  the Development Days Conference 2018 in Helsinki. This is a yearly event organised by the Finnish Society for Development Research. This year’s topic was: The Politics of Sustainability: Re-thinking resources, values and justice. It is a nice and informal event which brings together researchers, activists, and practitioners from all over Finland

Looking at evidence-informed policymaking through the \’dissonance\’ lens Read More »

Estimating the return on investment of policy research and engagement

by Tanty Nurhayati Djafar , Ni Wayan Suriastini , and Arnaldo Pellini Is it possible to calculate the return of investment on a research policy project? Well, the Indonesian think tank SurveyMETER and the Knowledge Sector Initiative have given it a go for a policy research project on services and infrastructure for the aging population in the Indonesian municipality of Balikpapan. Here is what

Estimating the return on investment of policy research and engagement Read More »

The struggle of bringing research into climate change policy

I read a vey interesting article in the Guardian Weekly about the struggle of science research in the United States following the election of Donald Trump as president (The climate change battle dividing trump’s America). Funding for climate change research is being cut. A climate change sceptic has been appointed as head of the Environmental Protection Agency.  A

The struggle of bringing research into climate change policy Read More »