Remote learning does not work for all: devastating drop in learning outcomes in the U.S. following the Covid pandemic
Overall, remote learning does not seem to have worked. Why is that?
Overall, remote learning does not seem to have worked. Why is that?
At the end of March, Italian novelist Francesca Melandri wrote an opinion piece for The Guardian. She started her article with: “I am writing to you from Italy, which means I am writing from your future. We are now where you will be in a few days.”
During this time of crisis, education will not be business-as-usual, and EdTech alone cannot close the learning gap. It will be dedicated teachers and resilient educators who will ensure learning doesn’t stop — but they could be helped by the right EdTech tools
By Gwang-Chol Chang and Satoko Yano, UNESCO’s Section of Education Policy Close to 80% of the world’s student population – 1.3 billion children and youth – is affected by school closures in 138 countries. Taken as a measure to contain the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, some of these closures are recent, in others, they have
After much debate in the media about whether it is safe for the community, teachers and children themselves to continue going to school,[1] the Australian Capital Territory and Victoria in Australia are going ahead with student-free schooling. Whilst the symptoms and deaths of children from COVID-19 have been lower in comparison to other ages groups
This week I read this article on EdTech published in the Guardian which asked Can computers ever replace the classroom? Here in Finland due to the coronavirus pandemic only a few schools remain open and the question is no longer whether computers can replace the classroom, during these weeks they have to. So, I talked
If we can quantify the value of each educational opportunity, can that data help map a pathway for building the skills needed to succeed? One company is looking into it. Reposted from BBC Source: Is education the new currency? – BBC Worklife
Is education the new currency? Read More »
Here my takeaways from two great days at the University of Oulu where I attended the Burning Questions 2019 event to discuss and challenge the status quo of education systems and education in international development.
The future of education and education for the future Read More »