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The Vietnam Development Reports (VDR) is a series of reports, which have been published by the World Bank resident mission since 2002, and focus on key development issues for Vietnam. The VDRs aim at tapping into existing knowledge, achieving an \’upstream harmonization\’ so that donors can engage with the government through a common message, and utilizes reviewing committees consisting of Vietnamese experts who are employed in their personal capacity to help to improve the understanding of the policy environment in Vietnam. The timing of the VDRs has always been planned to have a six months interval between the poverty reduction support credit process and the release of the VDR at the end of the calendar year. This study is organized as follows: in the next section we describe the analytical framework that has informed the study approach. Section three describes the research activities. Section four provides an analysis of the uptake of the VDR 2010. Section five includes the analysis of outcomes of the VDR 2010. Section six summarizes the main conclusions and provides some recommendations.